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Years ago, my son and I were traveling by plane.
We were sitting in coach.
He is a big guy, and I’m not such a big woman (in size).
We sat quietly and peacefully beside each other for 2 hours until I spoke.
Me: “Can I...
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After a concert, a fan once approached the great violinist Isaac Stern and said, “Mr. Stern, I would do anything to play like you.”
“Really?” answered the virtuoso. “Would you practice 10 hours a day for 20...
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How long have you believed that if you just had more willpower, you could finally make that habit change you’ve tried and failed at so many times?
If you ask people why they want to work with a Professional Coach, one of the top...
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People like us, growth-minded optimizers that is, LOVE lists!
Data supports our intuition that lists work. People who create lists become more conscientious over time and procrastinate less, which brings to mind Annie Dillard’s...
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What if you had indisputable evidence that your words could unquestionably shape your life?
What if, like magic, everything you uttered created your reality, both for the better and the worse?
I’m not talking about mantras and...
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Pain made itself at home in my body sometime in my forties.
Those who are quick to blame my trail and ultra running practice as “too much” and, therefore, the cause of my pain should note that my pain began years before I...
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Recently, I wrote a piece on regrets—specifically, how to not create them.
I shared Bronnie Ware’s book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, a worthy read which, contrary to our perception of the subject, is not morbid but...
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“Love you” are two words we either say too often or not enough.
Years ago, an ex-boyfriend noticed I don’t end my conversations with loved ones with “love you” as he did. Of course, he knew how much I loved...
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Freedom has been my most significant life value even before I had the words to define it. My earliest and fondest memories are of roaming in our magical garden in Iran and feeling free to do and be whatever I wanted. That was my...
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It’s that time of the year; whether consciously or not, we are all taking stock of the year that passed and thinking about the one ahead.
You may or may not decide to set goals for the new year, but if you do, consider making them...
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Coaching young adults has a tricky aspect to it.
Even though I’m coaching young adults, their parents also need to change their beliefs and behaviors if they want their children to succeed.
Recently, a friend with children close...
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Lately, I’ve been thinking about scarcity and how it shows up in our lives.
I was prompted when the host on this podcast asked me why many high-level female leaders are reluctant to help other women rise the corporate ladder. My...
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Recently, someone close to me said this in a moment of quiet reflection:
“Sometimes you just gotta slow down to count your blessings.”
And I thought to myself, “He’s got it all wrong!”
The truth is that we...
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“If only I had clarity, I know I have what it takes to accomplish any goal!”
“If only I had the courage to pursue my dreams… but, alas, I’m just not brave!”
“If I just had the confidence to...
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When someone asks me what I do, I tell them I help people create regret-free lives. This wasn’t the goal I set out with when I started coaching, but over time, I’ve learned that regret is a deep-seated fear for many,...
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People who come to coaching often fall into two categories:
- Those who don’t know what their next (or first) career move should be and
- Those with a job and career who want to switch to something else.
Coaching the first...
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I know it’s meant as a compliment, but it irks me when someone says, “You’re lucky to have a high pain tolerance.”
They usually follow it up with a story about their own natural, even genetic, low pain tolerance....
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An extraordinary Life Coach is probably not smarter, richer or more academically accomplished than her clients.
She may not be older, wiser or more worldly than her clients either.
But if she’s really good at supporting them to...
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One year ago, during this week, still shell-shocked from the events of October 7th, I wrote the following article, Have Freakin’ Conviction!
I could have never imagined that over a year later, our brothers, sisters, and children...
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The rising generation, also known as Gen Z, has its work cut out for them!
With nearly a decade of experience coaching this generation, I've witnessed their unique traits and behaviors.
First, let me tell you what they are not...
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At least once a week, I’m approached by someone eager to create a career as a Professional Coach.
They often ask for my advice and sometimes the opportunity to work with me to build a thriving Coaching business.
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I have a bone to pick with the Happiness Crowd!
Through the last decade, we’ve been obsessed with exploring, chasing, and finding happiness. Look through any airport bookstore, and you’ll find countless authors...
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Last week’s blog post, “Are you a Time Thriver or Time Survivor?” generated many responses, ranging from recognizing ourselves as one or the other type to wanting to learn more about the “how to.”...
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I used to believe that our most valuable resource is time. After all, it’s the one commodity no amount of money can buy. And the fact that no one knows just how much remains for each of us in our lifetime, makes it even...