Transform Your Sacred Spaces. LESS Furniture, MORE Memories?

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Context is a word abused by people who lack the courage to advocate for moral clarity. That’s a shame because the appropriate understanding of context can profoundly and positively impact our lives.

We’ve all heard of living...

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How Can You Give Generously Without Being Burnt Out?

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Last week's blog, “When Giving Makes You Exhausted…,” elicited more questions than answers from my readers.

Every day, I receive more emails asking me to dig deeper into the distinctions I identified. 


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When Giving Makes You Exhausted…

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I’m a thief—an excellent one—but still, a thief! I have no new ideas. I've gained everything I know, teach, coach, and write about by being fully present to others’ wisdom. 

I used to think I needed to...

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Under My Willow Tree…

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The more time I spend outdoors, the deeper I fall in love with trees.

Trees are the wisest teachers a human can have.

Trees are everything I aspire to become.


Trees are patient.

Trees are generous.

Trees don’t question...

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Are You One Person at Home and Another at Work?

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When I think about identity, I think about how we diagnose having multiple personalities as a disorder. Yet, most of us live lives with multiple personalities and don’t seem to think it’s a problem!

We are different...

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Is Your Preparation a Disguise for Procrastination?

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Today, I want to share a distinction that might not sit well with many of you.

Some of you will resent me for it.

And some of you may change your life because of it.

Even if only one person is moved to make that change because of a...

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Powerful People Don’t Feel the Need to be Forceful

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I took up jogging in my early teens—mainly reacting to the “thinness craze” that was the air we breathed in the 70s and 80s. I jogged and took exercise classes at Jane Fonda (does anyone remember those???) to...

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Reactive Vs. Responsive—Who Do You Want to Be?

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One of the main goals of powerful coaching is teaching, advising, and supporting our clients to become responsive rather than reactive.

Why is this important?

Well, because most of the problems we face in the day, the problems you and I...

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Who Cares What’s Getting in the Way? Just Tell Me How to Move Forward!

Would you continue reading this piece if I told you I wouldn’t tell you how to do something better, faster, and more efficiently?

And with that knowledge in mind, would you hire me as your Life Coach?

Would you trust me to help you achieve a more successful career, better relationships, and...

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Why You Should Refer to Instagram for Quick (and Dirty) Solutions?

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Are you putting a Band-Aid over a bullet hole?

Last week’s blog about Consistency vs. Intensity had clients and readers contacting me with many “how to” questions.

There are two ways to answer “how to”...

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Are You Stuck in the Intensity Trap?

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I’ve been thinking about the powerful effect of Consistency and why it’s such a challenging practice for many of us. I believe the answer lies in our relationship with Intensity.

I worshiped Intensity for more decades than I...

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D.'s Manual for a Timeless and Thriving Marriage

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I have a long-time client who endlessly inspires me.

He is in his seventies, and although I’m his Coach, very often, he’s my teacher.

In the time I’ve been working with him, I’ve seen him transform his marriage...

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How Do You Transform Obsession into Your Greatest Ally?

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At a dinner last night with a group of women sharing similar political views, I asked one who was particularly vocal, “When did you become obsessed with your specific political beliefs?”

Silence fell over the small dinner...

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The Unexpected Superpowers of Practicing Gratitude

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Recently, someone close to me said this in a moment of quiet reflection:

“Sometimes you just gotta slow down to count your blessings.”

And I thought to myself, “He’s got it all wrong!”

The truth is that we...

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A Guide to Thriving Under Uncertainty

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Virginia Woolf wrote, “...for a self that goes on changing is a self that goes on living.”

We all recognize the truth in Woolf’s words, yet we expend incredible energy to resist change! I know people who prefer a...

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52 New Year Resolutions for Lasting Change

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My readers and clients know that I’m obsessed with coaching on the level of Identity.


Because it’s the only kind of change that sticks.

Invest a year in transforming or finetuning your “Identity,” and you...

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The Dark Side of “Hoping”

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In my last blog I stated that I will be taking some time off to focus on my Identity Evolution.

“What the hell is that?” a few of you asked.

Before we dive into answering your question, let's first agree on how I define...

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This is Where Powerful Coaching Happens

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I am a Coach who has been writing blogs for this community for years. Recently, I realized that most of my content covers only the basic level of Transformational Coaching.

Powerful coaching happens on three distinct but beautifully...

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15 Life-Changing Practices to Adopt in 2024

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Deep and sustainable transformation, the kind that sticks even after we are complete with a coaching program, can only occur through a commitment to regular practice — a fundamental principle of powerful coaching.

If we want to...

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Words Can Help or Hurt. Choose Responsibly.

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In a previous article, Six Phrases that Sabotage Your Self-Worth, I emphasized the narrative that our words create our world.

Words have the power to shape our reality.

Language is not just a way to communicate or interpret; language...

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Is Help a 4 Letter Word?

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"How do I make it happen??" was the question I often asked myself as I grew up and well into adulthood.

I was raised to be independent, resourceful, and high-achieving. Bars were not set low in my family. I embraced that perspective and...

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One of the foundational practices of Life Coaching is helping our clients understand the distinction between being a victim and having a victim mindset.

So many of us navigate through life with a victim mindset, convinced that external...

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The Cost of Silence — Your Voice Matters

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I wrote the blog, Have Freakin’ Conviction, a few days after the massacre of my brothers and sisters in Israel. A few days after thirty children in pajamas were snatched from their beds and thrown into the very center of hell.


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3 Truths for Aspiring Coaches

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Professional Coach Rich Litvin advises that those who have embraced coaching as our profession refrain from labeling themselves as "Coaches."

In his article, “Never ever say you’re a Coach,” he explains,...

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