52 New Year Resolutions for Lasting Change

52 New Year Resolutions for Lasting Change

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My readers and clients know that I’m obsessed with coaching on the level of Identity.


Because it’s the only kind of change that sticks.

Invest a year in transforming or finetuning your “Identity,” and you will make the remaining years of your life conscious, purposeful, and focused on what truly matters to you.

Identity Coaching asks, “Who do you want to be?”

Your tenth, not first, response determines the bespoke work you only need to commit to if you want to create deep and sustainable change in the year ahead.

My clients and I love a New Year’s resolution as much as the next person. But whereas most people are making resolutions that will change their actions (temporarily), we make resolutions that will change who we are being permanently.


Here is a list of 52 resolutions my clients have shared with me this year. My own are mixed in as well.

In 2024:

  1. I will define what enough means to me and practice “enoughness.”
  2. I will dramatically reduce people pleasing.
  3. I will write one sentence in a Gratitude Journal every night.
  4. I will do a Thought Download instead of consuming more information before sleeping.
  5. I will commit to making daily deposits in my Life Buckets.
  6. I will run my own race.
  7. I will stop trying to be more “interesting” to other people.
  8. I will finally learn the skills to master my thoughts.
  9. I will let go of control and practice being in charge.
  10. I will ask for what I want, even if I’m scared.
  11. I will tell the world how to treat me.
  12. I will become anti-fragile.
  13. I will refuse to play the perfection game.
  14. I will ask powerful questions instead of striving for perfect answers.
  15. I will become a masterful listener.
  16. I will make my life full, not busy.
  17. I will become comfortable being with myself.
  18. I will follow purpose instead of passion.
  19. I will stretch myself by 10% emotionally and psychologically every day.
  20. I will develop my sense of purpose from self-actualization rather than from work.
  21. I will serve one person a day.
  22. I will not say yes when I mean to say no.
  23. I will practice Radical Acceptance every single day.
  24. I will let my moods follow my actions.
  25. I will choose my sources of education rather than let social media choose them for me.
  26. I will let Yoda’s words, “Do or do not, there is no try,”  be my mantra.
  27. I will do one thing a day for my loved ones.
  28. I will master my understanding of price vs. value.
  29. I will keep my core life values on multiple Post-it notes to be constantly reminded of them.
  30. I will walk my talk.
  31. I will identify my non-negotiables to make decisions like a pro.
  32. I will become a master of positioning.
  33. I will set Eulogy goals instead of Resume Goals (Arthur Brooks).
  34. I will abandon the habit of fake humility.
  35. I will not allow bad moments or bad hours to become bad days.
  36. I will replace efficiency with effectiveness in every area of my life.
  37. I will continuously cultivate and protect blank spaces in my calendar.
  38. I will measure success by my process, not my outcome.
  39. I will commit to a “Thought Download” every single day.
  40. I will replace more, more, more… with less, but better.
  41. I will be more courageous, especially under uncertainty.
  42. I will bring 10% more presence to all my interactions.
  43. I will not shame or guilt myself.
  44. I will practice learned optimism (Martin Seligman).
  45. I will practice respecting and listening to my intuition.
  46. I will pray more consciously and consistently.
  47. I will do hard things.
  48. I will stop being my child’s personal assistant, concierge, and alarm clock.
  49. I will stop asking how and start asking who.
  50. I will become an Essentialist (Greg McKeown).
  51. I will breathe — consciously, purposefully, with intention.
  52. I will no longer listen to win but rather to connect.


This year, choose a resolution that will change your life, not just your month.

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