Find Your North Star life integration

Increasingly, more people are investing their resources in service of self-growth and potential.  I’m talking about high achieving, by most counts, very successful folks, who are realizing that some critically important teachings were missing in their academic and family...

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Save The Tuition life integration

One of the most cherished 90 minutes of my week is when I get together with my group of soulful, bright, and growth-minded clients who are all under 40. We don’t have a curriculum or agenda, yet the learnings are abundant and the insights are life-changing.


The beauty of good...

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Be Complete, Not Perfect life integration

Perfect is a moving target, that’s if it’s even a thing. We are so quick and nonchalant in peppering our everyday conversations with the word “perfect”.  That was a perfect meal.  My son is a perfect student.  I want the perfect relationship.  Most of...

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Life is Long life integration

How often have you heard, “Life is short”?

Here’s the thing.  If we don’t meet an untimely death, if we are fortunate enough to be given a life past our 80’s, then life is actually pretty long.  Playing the long game is smart, but it is also the only game...

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Change is a Wild Horse life integration

When did the word “change” become a negative thing?  George Bernard Shaw famously said, “Those who cannot change their mind, cannot change anything.”  Yet, so many of us fight, resist, and are adverse to change in ourselves and others.


Helping my clients...

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Balance Is A Verb life integration

One of the main goals that bring people to life coaching is the desire to “find balance” in their lives.  Spoiler alert!  As far as I have come to believe and understand, there is no such thing as living a balanced life, unless you are a robot or living a very boring life.


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What About Me? life integration work/life balance

I absolutely love my work.  Folks ask me if I’m exhausted at the end of the day, having been in deep coaching conversations for 8-9 hours.  I secretly believe that most people think I’m lying when I say I’m far from exhausted.  In truth, I’m even more...

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The "Things Worth Doing" List life integration

Last week’s blog, “The Shit I Don’t Have Time For” List, touched more people’s hearts and minds than I expected.  As well, it elicited the most response I’ve ever received.  Although I wrote it from my own female perspective, men and women alike,...

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Why To Feel communication life integration

Last week’s blog, “To Feel List”, hit a collective nerve.  Readers and clients asked, “How can I make a To Feel List, when I don’t even know, deeply and truly, what feelings I want to experience?”


It seems like an odd question, but if we’ve...

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Four Practices for Leaders in Times of Crisis communication leadership life integration mindset

When in a crisis, leaders are at risk of either under-reacting or over-reacting.

When under-reacting, we are showing minimal empathy, are overly optimistic and downplay the situation.

When over-reacting, we are experiencing constant high threat, catastrophizing, and creating panic in others.


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What's Wrong with Knowledge? coaching life integration transformation

What if becoming more knowledgeable doesn’t lead to more fulfillment and success in life?  How would we live our lives differently if we believed this statement to be true? Would we consume less content, read fewer books, and pay less attention to experts?  That seems like a...

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Freedom From or Freedom To? life integration mindset work/life balance

Do you want to be free?

I’m guessing that your answer is a resounding yes.  Mine was, even before I had the language to express it.  My earliest memories are of roaming in our magical garden in Iran, and feeling like I was free to do and be whatever I wanted.  That was my 5...

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Coach and be Coached coaching life integration transformation

In my career as a Professional Life Coach, I’ve learned that many people don’t understand how their lives might change if they worked with someone who does what I do.

Let me tell you a little bit about my clients.  First of all, they’re doing great, thank you very...

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5 Life Skills For Cultivating Inspiration coaching life integration time management transformation work/life balance

We often complain of not having motivation. “ I really want to write the book I’ve been dreaming about, but I’m just not motivated.” “ If only I could motivate myself to make those important business calls.”

So we wait. And wait.

To be motivated for real, and...

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How to Improve the Quality of Your Life - an LA Mom Magazine Interview (Pt. 1) life integration mindset transformation work/life balance

It was a privilege and a joy to be interviewed by the talented, Shirin Yadegar from LA Mom Magazine. We discussed how to improve the quality of your life by prioritizing activities through the lens of “Life Buckets.”

What are "Life Buckets”? They are areas that we make deposits...

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Transforming Your Daily Life - LA Mom Magazine Interview (Pt. 2) life integration transformation work/life balance

How can you easily transform your daily life while being intentional and getting your fill of life? Shirin Yadegar from LA Mom Magazine and I discuss these questions in this short but powerful interview.

In this interview, you’ll learn:

  • What a life coach is and how one can be helpful...

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4 Reasons To Meet Your Life Coach at the Beach coaching life integration transformation

I once suffered from chronic debilitating back pain because of what should have been a completely manageable skeletal issue, but had become increasingly worse due to a job that involved being sedentary for hours at a time.  Whether I was in my office, working with teams, on a plane, or in a...

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Toss Your Hat Over the Wall! life integration mindset

In a 1963 speech promoting the new space program, President John Kennedy declared that the United States had "thrown its hat over the wall of space and had no choice but to follow it." 

This was a phrase he borrowed from Irish writer, Frank O’Connor, who, as a boy, would find the most...

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Why Creating is more fun than Predicting life integration mindset transformation

The best way to predict our future is to create it.

Dr. Joe Dispenza

At the core of the work of life coaching is taking our clients through the process of change. Change happens when we do something differently than we have in the past. Everyone knows this, so why is it so hard to do?


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