Four Practices for Leaders in Times of Crisis communication leadership life integration mindset

When in a crisis, leaders are at risk of either under-reacting or over-reacting.

When under-reacting, we are showing minimal empathy, are overly optimistic and downplay the situation.

When over-reacting, we are experiencing constant high threat, catastrophizing, and creating panic in others.


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The Privilege of Being Still communication leadership mindset parenting

“I’m enjoying the privilege of being still,” said my client effortlessly, as though this is a common belief and these words are part of our collective lexicon.

Well, you could have knocked me over my coaching perch with a feather!

With due respect and understanding for the...

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Burn The Boats leadership mindset transformation

It’s no exaggeration when I say that I work with some of the most committed and courageous human beings in this world.

Every day and in every area of their lives, my clients are pushing the limits of what is possible for them. They don’t just talk about it, read and forward...

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