Ordinary People Can Create Extraordinary Lives

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I frequently use the word extraordinary to describe my clients.
Yesterday, while running on the trails, it occurred to me that using this adjective to describe people who are creating noticeable change and transformation in their lives, may be misleading to others who want to do the same.
I truly believe that we are all extraordinary in our uniqueness. No one is ordinary, but only because there is no such thing.
Would you call any of your children ordinary? Your good friends? Your spouse, partner or boss? My guess is that when we shift our gaze from our navel to other people’s characters, we are not so quick to call them ordinary. But when it comes to ourselves, we limit, box in, and diminish ourselves with frightening ease.
So here is what I know to be true about my clients, and maybe, just maybe, it’s true about you as well?
Regardless of their age, they are people of character. They don’t believe that they are entitled to win the game of life because of their circumstances. But they want to win because their soul yearns for expansion.
They show up. Even, and especially, when they don’t want to.
They are willing to work hard, focus on what matters and make tradeoffs. Every day.
They are as ordinary as you and I, but they stretch beyond their ordinary abilities when they have to.
And they deliberately put themselves on the edge of “have to.”
Extraordinary is not a born personality, it’s a created result.