Nine Superpowers of a Great Coach

I’m often asked to explain what makes for a “great” Life Coach, as well as the reverse.
So here's my list of 9 things a great coach can help her clients with and 7 things she/he can leave to other professions.
- Helps you focus on the things that are right with you rather than the things you think are wrong with you.
- Helps you fall in love with your Future Self rather than huddle daily (hourly?) with your Past Self.
- Helps you build such powerful new habits that your old, unhelpful ones disappear into the sunset without you even noticing.
- Helps you learn powerful and dependable life skills rather than stumble your way through your days on a wing and a prayer.
- Helps you craft the identity you want rather than the one you developed by default.
- Helps you put a match to your old, tired story so you can write a new one that serves, not enslaves you.
- Helps you move towards your goals with ease and joy rather than hard knuckling your way towards them.
- Helps you see your blindspots now so you are not blindsighted later.
- Helps you gather all the pieces of yourself you’ve scattered around and build yourself into a whole, complete and integrated human being.
And here are seven things a great Coach is not:
- Your alarm clock.
- A therapist.
- An unconditional cheerleader.
- Always right.
- Carrying any agenda other than yours.
- A baby-sitter.
- There to please you.