The Path to Becoming a Professional Life Coach

coaching transformation

I’m often asked about my path to becoming a Professional Life Coach. This is one of the fastest growing industries globally, and in my opinion, with 7 billion of us needing and wanting to live more successful lives, we could use all the good coaches we can have in this world.

I thank JourneyLA for taking an interest in my personal and professional journey, and publishing this interview with me.

JANUARY 6, 2020

Meet Carolyn Mahboubi

Today we’d like to introduce you to Carolyn Mahboubi.

Carolyn, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
My professional path as a service provider was forged when at 14 I convinced the manager of Ann Taylor to give me a part-time job as a sweeper – the person that cleans the dressing rooms after the clients has thrown everything on the floor.

I knew at a young age that I loved the independence that came with creating an income, but I also understood that, for me anyway, serving others was the path to creating prosperity. When a few years later, I had the opportunity to bring a little-known designer to the US and open a store for him, I jumped at the opportunity. Launching Gianni Versace in 1982 on Rodeo Drive put me on a track that lasted 17 years – until Versace bought the business – and continued with me taking management positions at Hermes, YSL, Bulgari, and Gucci.

It’s fair to stay that I learned a thing or two about building businesses, managing teams, and serving powerfully. But as happens to so many of us, by my mid 40’s I felt that there was a mismatch between the life I was living and the one that was calling out to me. I lived a seemingly perfect life on the outside, but my career trajectory, my health, and my relationships were a mess. It was at this time that I hired a Life Coach and began the work of creating the life that I dreamt about for so long, but had no idea how to achieve. As my life shifted and I learned firsthand about the power and impact of coaching, my interest in becoming a Professional Life Coach grew. Through a combination of education, coaching, and experience with clients, it didn’t take long before I realized that this is a business like any other I’ve created in the past. The same principles apply – create value, share it with people, let them have an experience rather than selling it to them, and always bring more value than the cost. The only difference in what I did before and what I do now is that a $5000 handbag never changed anyone’s life, but in my experience, Life Coaching definitely does.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Any entrepreneur will agree that it’s never a smooth road when you’re building something from scratch. I struggled with imposter syndrome—“but I’m not a real coach!”—money beliefs—“if I charge for my work, people will think badly of me”—client development—“nobody will want a coach who used to be in fashion”—the list of mental blocks was endless, and it was only compounded when people who love and want only the best for me would say, “but is that a real job? You’re never going to make a living as a Coach.”

The actual work of building the business has not felt like a struggle because I already understood what it takes and was totally committed to the work.

So, as you know, we’re impressed with Carolyn Mahboubi Life Coaching – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of and what sets you apart from others.
As a Professional Life Coach, I help my clients remove the mental and emotional roadblocks that are holding them back from living a more powerful and purposeful life.

I work with three groups of clients: 1. High achieving leaders and executives 2. Young adults transitioning into “the real world” and 3. Life Coaches who want to build a prosperous business. Although I do speaking engagements and coaching retreats, my clients are drawn to the one on one nature of our work. I am truly in a partnership with them while we work together, and beyond our sessions, they have unlimited access to me. Over time, we forge a strong bond that allows us to create a new future for them that is different than the default future they would have if we did not do this work.

I am most proud of my clients because every single one of them is an extraordinary human is has the courage to show up for themselves. They walk their talk and answer the question that Mary Oliver asked so eloquently: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

So, what’s next? Any big plans?
The future holds more of the same because that’s how it is when you’re on the right path. My goal is to grow everyday, professionally and personally, in order to keep pace with my amazing clients.

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