The Magic Is In The Client!

coaching mindset

Life Coaching - The Magic Is In The Client!

It's funny how our clients think we inspire them, but they truly inspire us more than they'll ever know. I was humbled and brought to tears while reading this piece, my beautiful and powerful client, Kathy Igou, posted today:

#LifeCoaching #Mojoactiveadventures #shiftlifecoaches #successcoaching

"Finding my MOJO

The mojo magic is something that starts that first day meeting a group of strangers and lasts well beyond the trip.

The group truly becomes a tribe of women encouraging each other, pushing their own limits, and testing themselves in a safe environment.

I arrived in Colorado Springs about to room with a stranger and contemplating my 64th birthday. I was a little nervous about altitude and especially concerned about rock climbing. But this was my second MOJO Adventure, so I had faith that the magic would happen.

My roommate turned out to be a Life coach from LA. Over the next few days, I got to hear about what she does for her clients and it resonated with my thoughts about turning 64.

Over the next few days, the tribe gelled and through shared experiences and supporting each other to keep on trying, we all did things that were out of our comfort zones. I will never forget the encouragement of this group...ever!! How 16 women who do not know each other can develop such strong connections so quickly is part of the mojo magic.

But the longer lasting magic is how the shared experience and the continued support of the tribe continues after the trip.

An idea percolated for me as the trip was ending to take control of this next year. To do the things I needed to do to prepare my mind and body and spirit for turning 65 in 2019. So I asked my roommate Carolyn if she would take me on as a life coaching client.

Next thing I knew, the universe aligned and she was inviting me to fly out to visit her at Lake Tahoe (I live in Atlanta) and stay with her a couple of days to deep dive into our first session. She was there ending a summer away from LA and had only a few weeks for us to do it.

The only time that worked was my birthday. So next thing I knew I was flying to Tahoe for my 64th. Talk about a powerful beginning to a year of change!!!! Day 1 done!!

Next another gift of MOJO magic. Carolyn apologized that she was running a race on Saturday that would take most of the day. The DAY??? Well, it was a 50k ultra marathon and would take over 7 hours. I was fascinated. Of course I was in!! When would I ever have a chance to be around a group of people who know no limits?? I had to be there!!

So the next magic moment occurred when I saw Carolyn coming around the curve...exhausted, wanting it all to over, trying to get to that finish line. I held up a sign filled with messages of encouragement from the women she had just met on the Colorado Trip...many who were strangers a few weeks ago, and the tears started rolling and her pace picked up. Her face...I’ll never forget the look on her face. Pure joy through all the pain.

Again, the MOJO magic at work. And it continues. If Carolyn can push herself to run 7.5 hours up and down the mountain trails, I can surely make the better choices I need to make to glide into 65 with grace and vigor and health and sass. If this a dream? No way. I know it’s a fact. Just like I know I can ice climb on a glacier because of MOJO and pull myself up a rock face because of the MOJO tribe cheering me on, just like Carolyn can keep going for 7.5 hours. I’ve found it. My inner MOJO.

It’s hard to explain the mind shift. But somehow MOJO helps you to just do it. You see other people doing things and conquering their fears. You understand compassion and grace because you get it but even more because you give it.

It’s magic. I just can’t really explain it. But I can promise you this. August 10, 2019 is going to be a most wonderful day in my life and I know that I will owe it to MOJO Magic!!"


P.S. I’m committed to sharing my Life Coaching skills and tools out into the world, in the hope that it can help others. If this blog resonates with you, please consider forwarding it to anyone who may benefit from it. If this was forwarded to you, subscribe here.

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